A New Years Haircut

This year I hope that before you plan – resolutions, goals, and missions for personal growth – you try something else first. 

My hope is that you first take a quiet moment to appreciate who you are right now. How far you’ve come. The good things you’ve done for others through action or by example. The moments you were able to be the best of yourself and offer someone else a glimpse of what was possible. 

I hope that you take a moment to look back at yourself through the cloud of frustrations, fears, and urgency to see what others appreciate. What’s been inspiring, daring, heartful, surprising,  thoughtful, strong, or wise about you?

And then may all of those resolutions – 

look like nothing more than an extra-nice haircut on top.

Happy New Year!



Image: by Dall-e 2: “A painting of tiny quiet small log cabin with a chimney in the distance on a pure white snow covered hill with scattered green trees that suggests introspection as we enter the new year.” – https://openai.com/dall-e-2/

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